In 2021 Movement Ground Farm was granted 501c3 status!  

This marks a major milestone in MGF’s journey from a solo farming venture to a full-fledged non-profit that is connected to and accountable to a broader community. This will allow us to pursue some of our grander dreams and enables us to more completely fulfill our vision "connecting those who have historically been uprooted and displaced due to land theft, slavery, war, gentrification, development, and environmental destruction, to land as a source of healing, sustenance, empowerment, reflection, and guidance."

Big plans are in the works for next year including shifting our farm management model to a more collective, horizontal sharing of responsibilities and breaking ground on a barn which will enable us to raise livestock and to hold movement space for workshops and events year-round.

In this stage of growth and development the support of our community is crucial!

Make a donation here.