Our mission is to recultivate the central role of food and land in nourishing our bodies, strengthening our communities, and growing a more just world.


We believe in a world where all individuals and families are empowered, sustained, and grounded by an intimate connection to land, food, and community. Movement Ground Farm is premised on a vision that we have the ability to heal our bodies, restore our spirits, build our own systems, and fight for our highest ideals. We envision a day where communities, who have historically been uprooted and displaced due to land theft, slavery, war, gentrification, development, and environmental destruction, can once again turn to land as a source of healing, sustenance, empowerment, reflection, and guidance.

  • Urban youth organizers have open space and a farm to which they can retreat.

  • Families and children can learn how their food is produced, where it is grown, and actually participate in the process.

  • Seasonal gatherings unite diverse sectors of New England’s social justice community.

  • Refugee elders find solace and empowerment in passing down their agricultural knowledge base.

  • Food-related businesses are formed and supported, as cooperatives or as fund-raising streams for organizations.

  • Friends and families make their own jams and pickles.

  • Bartering of goods and services within our communities replace meaningless credit card swipes at Walmart.

  • Everyone, and every organization and movement, develops a greater level of autonomy and self-determination.

  • Our microcosm serves as a model for how we can anchor our families, organizations, communities, and movements in an autonomous (food) systems.